Hedgehog bath timeBecause they don't lick themselves clean like other mammals might do, it is important to regularly bathe your hedgehog. We use our own homemade soaps and moisturizers available on our etsy site at https://www.etsy.com/shop/PinsNeedlesHedgehogs. Aveeno oatmeal shampoo will also work great to help keep their quills nice and shiny and keep their skin hydrated. We also add Flaxseed Oil to their bath water to help with dry, flaky skin that might cause them to be itchy (think of how uncomfortable we as humans are when we have itchy, dry skin. We try our very best to keep these guys happy and healthy). How often do they need a bath? We recommend once a month, some (such as the babies in their "toddler" stage) are VERY messy and get poop on themselves quite often. They also might just need a "foot bath", which is exactly what it sounds like- you just wash off their little feet in a bucket of water. We recommend using an old bucket to bathe your hedgehog in along with a designated hedgehog towel and supplies. If you do use your sink or bathtub, make sure you disinfect it afterwards. Make sure you test the water and that it is warm- not HOT! They have sensitive skin and you don't want them to get burned. Place the hedgehog in the water, it should be just enough water so they can stand comfortably without submerging their face. Add a little drop of Aveeno oatmeal shampoo to their quills, and then spread it with a toothbrush (obviously not a toothbrush you are not going to use again). Make sure to pay close attention to their feet and areas in their quills that are dirty. If their skin is overly dry and flaky, try a few drops of Flaxseed oil in their bath water. Rinse them with clean water and dry them with a nice, soft towel. Oh the smell of a fresh, clean, hedgehog :) Nail trimming
Hedgehogs need their nails trimmed every 3 weeks or when you notice them getting long. Be careful not to cut the kwik or it will bleed. If you do accidentally cut the quick, you can apply Kwik Stop Styptic Powder to the end of the toenail or if you don't have that on hand, you can also use corn starch.
I recommend using cat nail trimmers, which are included in our cage setups. Here's a video to show you how we trim our hedgehog's nails: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK0MbgPFalw&t=10s |